Heavy rains last night caused flooding throughout the city of Pointe Noire and made the morning drive to the dental clinic challenging. We had to change our route several times and arrived later than usual, but most of our patients and Congolese day crew actually braved all the water and made it to the clinic as well. The pastor who works at the clinic taking care of patients waiting before their appointments was not able to come and so I had the double duty of entertaining all the clinic patients and doing dental cleanings at the same time. My translator assistant May was a huge help as we did impromptu oral hygiene lessons with questions and answers, some prayer/praise and worship in a few different languages, and then showed the Jesus film in French. Around lunch time May and I passed out some bread and butter sandwiches to the remaining patients, made sure they knew where the toilets were and tried to keep a little bit of order in the room where they were waiting. We were able to fit in a few hygiene patients too and while it was a great experience, both of us definitely hope the pastor is back at work tomorrow and we don't need a boat to get to the dental clinic again.

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